Saturday, February 14, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 1

Submission Saturday!

Hey everyone - great job coming in and getting yourself weighed in, recording that body composition, and starting to work on building up your cardio levels to new heights. 

Each and every week, I want all of you to share what you have accomplished this week with your exercise regiment. Remember that this week's goal was to collectively get in 120 minutes of cardio. We are going to be continuously be building up our routine from week to week, but the level of cardio-fitness that you should perform should never be substituted by anything else.

An example of a workout submission should look something like this:
Monday: Ellipical 25 minutes, Upright Bicycle 15 minutes
Tuesday: Spinning Group Ex Class
Wednesday: Took two stops off the train earlier than usual - walked
Thursday: Recumbent Bicycle 15 minutes, Step Express Group Ex Class
Friday: Swimming Laps 25 minutes

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*


  1. Mercedes:
    Monday- 1hr swimming lessons
    Tuesday- 1hr Masala Bhangra + 15mins weights
    Thursday- 1hr swimming lessons
    Saturday- 30min treadmill + 15 mins elliptical + 15 mins weights
    Sunday- 30min treadmill + 15 mins elliptical + 15 mins weights

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Monday: 30 min elliptical
    Weds: 30 min elliptical
    Friday: 30 min elliptical
    Saturday: 40 min elliptical, 20 min stairclimber, 10 min run @11mm

  4. Monday; 30 min threadmill + 15 min recumbent bicycle + 15 min elliptical + 20 minutes lap swimming ,same routine for wed thur fri and sat, also attended the aqua exercice class on thurs night,thanks for your help James
