Saturday, March 7, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 4

Submission Saturday!

An example of a workout submission should look something like this:
Monday: Ellipical 25 minutes, Upright Bicycle 15 minutes
Tuesday: Spinning Group Ex Class
Wednesday: Took two stops off the train earlier than usual - walked
Thursday: Recumbent Bicycle 15 minutes, Step Express Group Ex Class
Friday: Swimming Laps 25 minutes

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*


  1. mon, 30min threadmill,15min recumbent bicycle,15min ellipical,36 sumo squats,20min lap swimming. tues,30min threadmill,15min recumbent bicycle,72 sumo squats,15min ellipical,30min lap swimming. fri,away,glens falls ny.ymca, 30min threadmill, 20min lap swimming,1hr water aerobics class,15min recumbent bicycle,15 ellipical, sat away, wilton branch ymca,saratoga springs, ny.30min threadmill 36 sumo squats 15min recumbent bicycle,15min ellipical.

  2. George, you're absolutely killing it! Keep up the good hard work!

  3. Thanks James, I"m trying,I will try to meet up with you thursday,will post it on the other page when i know for sure.

  4. Monday - 1hr mat Pilates
    Tuesday - 1hr Masala Bhangra
    Thursday - 30 running
    Sunday- 1hr Yfit training + 12 week program

  5. I'm late!

    Sunday: Stairmaster Very vigorous 20 Min
    Running 5 Min
    Elliptical Very vigorous 10 Min
    Tuesday: Strength and cardio class 1 hour (about 25 min cardio)
    Wednesday: Elliptical 20 min
    Saturday: Stairmaster,very vigorous, 15 Min
    Elliptical, Very vigorous, 20 Min
    Strength circuit (squats, plank, arms, etc.)
