Sunday, March 15, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 5

Submission Saturday!

We're five weeks into the challenge and does time fly by. By this point your workout submissions should be looking more rounded-out than before. I appreciate  the turnout this week.

Let's keep it up!

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*


  1. sun,away glens falls YMCA,30 min lap swimming. mon,away glens falls YMCA,30min threadmill,15min bike,10min row,36 squats,20min lap swimming. wed,30min threadmill,15min bike,15min ellipical,36 squats,20min lap swimming. thur,30min threadmill,30min core training,15min bike,15 ellipical,1hr aqua exercise class. sat,30min lap swimming,30min weight room.

  2. Sunday: Running 10m
    Elliptical 30 m
    Monday: Running 10m
    Weds: Biked halfway home 30m
    Thu rs: 1 hour cardio strength class (25 min cardio)
    Fri: Biked halfway home 30 min
    Saturday: stairmaster 10 min
    strength circuit
