Sunday, March 29, 2015

Winter Fitness Group - Week 8: Bench Press/Chest Press

I've got some eager news to some of those people who were excited when I mentioned some new programming this time around with our challenge. 

It's time to get down to business! This week is dedicated to again another compound movement: the bench press or it's relative the chest press. The movement utilizes the shoulders, deltoids, pectorals, and triceps. If you want to not just get stronger with your push movements, but also get a bit more muscle on those arms and an overall better body can't afford to miss this.

This Weeks Goal: 
Utilize Chest Press/Bench Press Twice A Week

So this week, I am setting aside the following dates as open one-on-one practice
to get to know a few pull exercises that can benefit you, no matter the goal.
Here are the four days I will make available: 

Tuesday, March 31st: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (at the free weights office)
Thursday, April 2nd: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (ask front desk to contact me)
Friday, April 3rd: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (at the free weights office)
Saturday, April 4th: 10:30 am - 11:30 am (at the free weights office)

Remember you have to either submit a reply below with the date you want to come in or respond via email at 

Week 7: MyPlate Submission

Here, here!

Who said leftovers are just useless? Clearly Marissa has got good ideas worth sharing. She sent in her MyPlate submission from something she made for a party.

"I made chicken tinga this weekend for a party and had leftovers today! It is easy, just boil chicken breasts, shred and cook with onion, tomatos and chipotle peppers. I had it on a tostada with a small drizzle of sour cream and a sprinkle of cotija cheese. I had some red pepper to sneak more veggies in!"

Looks too good to be true, I got to get that recipe out from my screen and into my kitchen pronto. Keep those submissions coming in!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 7

Submission Saturday!

Hopefully you've been inspired to share your MyPlate with everyone. Remember half the fight is in the kitchen. Here's a little tid-bit of information just to prove my point:

According to the November issue of the public Health Nutrition, people consume 200 more calories when they eat out as opposed to having home-cooked meals. Researchers also found that diners in both fast-food and sit-down restaurants upped their intake of saturated fat and sodium.

As for myself this week, while I couldn't make a cooking video of this creation: here it is - Chicken Pilaf. Now the way I did it was using a Tajikan recipe somewhat similar to what I found here. 
The only difference was that I used chicken thighs, had onion, and added in turmeric.
This took lots of time to prepare and cook, but all that work paid off to nearly five meals I could spread out throughout the week.

Now even though this week was dedicated to getting active in the kitchen, that's no excuse to stop getting work in and burning those calories. Share what you've done this week.
Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*

Heads Up! Our Week 9 run over the 59th st Bridge is coming up. Ramp up the cardio and start getting prepared!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Week 7: MyPlate Submission Time!

Checking in, hoping everyone is getting super creative in the kitchen. I've got to share George's creation he had in the kitchen.

Now in our talks, George has talked to me in saying how his creation wasn't "super excited", but I told him that it was perfect. Remember people - you don't have to be Chef Ramsay, just be efficient.

Now that's what I call efficient and healthy

George has put me on the spot. Now I'm pressure to get my "MyPlate" out in the open. Stay tuned in for that; I want to get some mouths salivating!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Winter Fitness Group Challenge - Week 7: MyPlate

We're making the turn to the second half of the program and I think it is about time that we revisited nutrition. However, this time around I want to see something from all of you.

MyPlate is by design a week where you have to submit a creation you made in the kitchen.Just one meal, one time. Create and share all the ingredients and steps you went through to put in your meal. This is not something that I want you to feel pressured by, but instead empowered. You've got the tools of change in your hand - don't forget that.

Get pumped in the kitchen
For this week, I would appreciate everyone to send in via email their creations (including ingredients, sizes, cooking steps etc) and a picture of their end result so I can go ahead and post it up on the blog for everyone to see and try out. I'll even get into the mix once this week as well.

Remember - this is not a week off, get back in the gym more motivated from week 6 and hit it hard!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 6

Submission Saturday!

Amp up the submissions if you want to see that summer beach body now!

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*

Monday, March 16, 2015

Winter Fitness Group Challenge - Week 6: Weigh-In & Body Composition Check!

It's that time through this program!

Nearly there, don't stop!

During our first run through this 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge back in late October, I came along this one member at our branch Rich. This guy had been on a journey ever since February of 2014 to lose all the extra weight he had gained over countless amount of years. The moment we met, I knew this guy was going places. He was busting his butt on the track, in the pool, and in the weight room. We had this one talk where he told me about the "dream body" he wanted to get; he took out his phone to show me this motivational YouTube clip. I took a look at it when I got home in the evening and I want all of you to view it at least once.

It took years upon years for Frank to achieve his performance level he is right now

Now I don't know about you, but I got this chill in my body just listening to the video. As tired as I was at 9 p.m. that night, I wanted to get up and go barbell squat with the fire I had in my belly. 

This week as you come in for your weigh-in and body composition read again, I want everyone to search for something that motivates you. It doesn't have to be a YouTube clip. It could be a family member, a friend, a loved one, your future, your past, a novel, tale, or quotation.

The following are the appointment time slots I am making available for our Weigh-ins:
Tuesday, March 17th: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday, March 19th: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Friday, March 20th: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Saturday, March 21st: 11:30 - 12:30 PM

The weather is warming up and the tides should be turning in your favor - double up the effort!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 5

Submission Saturday!

We're five weeks into the challenge and does time fly by. By this point your workout submissions should be looking more rounded-out than before. I appreciate  the turnout this week.

Let's keep it up!

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*

Monday, March 9, 2015

Winter Fitness Group Challenge - Week 5: Core Training

I think by now, many of you have established that this program and blog isn't your usual run of the mill fitness blog. I go into deep detail in every decision I make due to the obvious fact that not every person is the same; there is no "cookie-cutter" program out there that will deliver results.

Staying along that same premise, this week is dedicated to core training. I want you to take that idea of what you thought was core training (just doing crunches) and throw it out the window.

My reaction most of the time when people say they know about how to train their core.
I personally wanted everyone to just see and count the amount of musculature that your core actually accounts for. I found this great picture that illustrates just that in a simple point of view.

When you see people doing crunches, they really just target one muscle of the core: the rectus abdominal. Clearly, just by that illustration: that's just not enough.

My philosophy around training the core is revolved around the NASM OPT model and the phases of training: stabilization, endurance, and strength. If you revolve around those three paradigms of training, you can create a core with such dynamic strength that both your upper body and lower body strength and stability will increase by a threefold. Add in that you'll never have a lower back injury in your life again and I think the offer sounds too good to be true.

This Weeks Goal: 
Utilize Your Core Three Times a Week

So this week, I am setting aside the following dates as open one-on-one practice
to get to know a few pull exercises that can benefit you, no matter the goal.
Here are the four days I will make available: 

Tuesday, March 10th: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (at the free weights office)
Thursday, March 11th: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (ask front desk to contact me)
Friday, March 12th: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm (at the free weights office)
Sunday, March 15th: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (at the free weights office)

Remember you have to either submit a reply below with the date you want to come in or respond via email at 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Workout Submission Saturday - Week 4

Submission Saturday!

An example of a workout submission should look something like this:
Monday: Ellipical 25 minutes, Upright Bicycle 15 minutes
Tuesday: Spinning Group Ex Class
Wednesday: Took two stops off the train earlier than usual - walked
Thursday: Recumbent Bicycle 15 minutes, Step Express Group Ex Class
Friday: Swimming Laps 25 minutes

Share your submission today!
*Respond to this blog post down below*

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 4: Pull-exercises - Single Arm Row

I've noticed a few of you haven't come in within this week for the pull-exercises, but not to worry. I've developed a small video with one of our fantastic floor staff personell: Josh. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Winter Fitness Group Challenge - Week 4: Pull Exercises

Let's get straight to it: if you think that this week isn't as important as the following past three weeks - you're making a big mistake.

I wish my back was that big.
When I speak about pull exercises, this is not simply "lift things up and put them down," but rather holding your body still while contracting concentrically your back musculature. Let me break it down like this:
  1. You have to halves of your body: the left and right (which we can visibly see)
  2. You also have a front and back (the front we can almost always see and the back - almost forgotten)

Whether your goal is weight loss or adding lean muscle mass, ignoring your back is a huge mistake. Talk to professional bodybuilders, firefighters, ballerinas, dancers, construction workers, or athletes and they'll all mention how much they train their back. If they don't, they might have a good chance of either lower back pain or rounded shoulders. 

Your back musculature, which includes everything from your hip complex up to your neck is vital to everyday living, great posture, upper body and lower body strength, and overall wellness. The latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius, medial trapezius, upper trapezius, posterior deltoid, rhomboids, and multifidus muscles are all important. Stabilizing the hip complex can even prevent and eliminate lower back pain. The biceps even get involved during pull exercises (let's make a special note that you should not just focus on bicep curls. They do not make your back stronger and only account for 1/3 of your arm size) My little PSA.

This Weeks Goal: 
Utilize Pull Exercises Three Times a Week

So this week, I am setting aside the following dates as open one-on-one practice
to get to know a few pull exercises that can benefit you, no matter the goal.
Here are the five days I will make available: 
Monday, March 2nd: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm (at the free weights office)
Tuesday, March 3rd: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (at the free weights office)
Thursday, March  5th: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm (ask front desk to contact me)
Friday, March 6th: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm (at the free weights office)
Sunday, March 8th: 11:30 pm - 12:00 pm (at the free weights office)

Remember you have to either submit a reply below with the date you want to come in or respond via email at